Favorite Things » Fat Joe

Fat Joe

Here are some pretty funny pictures depicting the evolution of me, Joe, from FAT JOE to the Joe you all now know and love. Yup, that's ME in those FAT pictures. I worked pretty hard to get where I am now, and plan on staying this way for a LONG, LONG time. Why did I do this? So I could catch my kids when they run away from me. :-)

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Disneyland, circa 1997
Lauren's last trip as an only-child.
Captain Bens, Freeport
Universal Studios
Catalina Beach Club, a Little THIN?
Catalina Beach Club, a Little THIN?
The Pumpkin Run
The Pumpkin Run
Catalina Beach Club, WOW!
Newfound THINNESS at Long Beach, NY
Disney World
Catalina Beach Club, a Little THIN?
At Donna and Bobby's House
Wilderness Lodge (Disney World)
Universal Studios
Charlie and Patty's House
At the In-Law's and full of ENERGY!
A Restaurant near Mount Snow?
Catalina Beach Club, WOAH!
Disney World - What a PROFILE
At the Catfish Cafe'
Disney World
Disney World
Disney's Animal Kingdom
Suzannah's Bat Mitzvah?
On the Tram at Disney World
Charlie and Patty's House

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