
Scottish Scallop and Onion Stew
Scottish Scallop and Onion Stew Recipe
This is a recipe for scallop stew. Traditionally it would have been served as a supper dish but it can easily be made into a main meal with the addition of a potato dish and some vegetables.
Scallop with Onion Stew
Ingredients: 12 fresh scallops 1/4 pint of water 6 tablespoons dry white wine salt & pepper
Sauce Ingredients:
1&1/2 oz butter 1 small finely chopped onion 1 tablespoon plain flour 5 tablespoons fresh single cream 1 &1/2 oz breadcrumbs 2oz scottish cheddar cheese (grated)
Grease (butter) an ovenproof dish. Chop the scallops into quarters and place in a pan, covering with the wine and water. Season this and bring to the boil. Simmer for approx 8-9 minutes. Strain the scallops but KEEP the liquid in a fresh clean jug.
Melt the butter into a different pan and gently fry the onion until they are transparent. Stir in the flour and cook for about one minute. Into this mixture pour the fish juice which you have kept, bring this to the boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
Then add the scallops and the cream and reheat WITHOUT boiling. Transfer to the ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and cheese (which should be pre-mixed together). Brown this under a hot grill and serve immediately
Should serve four people along with a potato dish of your choice

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